
Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Update

The time of the Spring Feasts of the Lord have occurred at our house and it hit me that I didn't take any pictures of our celebrations at all.  As you can see from the pictures, it's been a busy Spring so far.  Let me get you caught up on all the goings on!

1.  Emily makes us the most amazing bread each week in our bread maker.  She's adept at grinding from wheat berries and putting all the ingredients in our bread machine.  It tastes as fresh and yummy as it looks and we love smearing peanut butter and home made jam on each slice!  There are pictures of her attempt at cookie baking  with a young friend in the video as well as Em's bread.  The cookies didn't turn out so well, but there was fun in the attempt.

2.  John is just about done with military life.  He has 2 more appointments this week on Wed and Thurs then it's hanging out for a couple of weeks before starting his new position here in No.Va. for a small, but growing fast company.  Pictures from last week's retirement events are coming.  I should meet with the photographer soon to get a CD of all the amazing shots she took.  In honor of his new commute, he bought himself a new (to us anyway) car last week.  There are pictures of him and Adam climbing in it this morning!

3.  Adam is doing great.  He helped get the garden together this weekend with John.  The building went well and our garden is now in and planted.  Adam's been accepted to Richard Bland college here in Va.  He's headed with John for the day to do some testing and placement as well as meet with his counselor and get registered for fall classes.  He was also hired today for a small part-time job here in town.  So excited for him!  He'll be 18 soon.  Time sure flies.

4.  Jman's piano recital also happened last month.  He did a wonderful job!  He was the last of 30 or so students and I was so proud of him.  The nervousness building and building....he just went up and nailed his piece!  He loves the piano, practicing with his BB gun in the yard and playtime with the guys.

5.  Lyndsay is nearly finished with her nursing degree.  I can't believe in one month I'll have my first college graduate!  Lyndsay has been granted an interview with John's Hopkins hospital next month.  To say I'm the proudest mom around would be an understatement!

6.  Our Hebrew Calendar has been printed out from  I can't vouch for anything on their site besides the calendar, or any links they may have. But the calendar is spot on!   I was happy to find it as it keeps us thinking and planning and reading the Word as it relates to the appointed festival times in Scripture.  We are now counting the Omer to Pentecost and, as we are just on day 2, aren't lost yet!  John lead us in a wonderful Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits Bible time each day this last weekend.  We enjoyed sermons from Jim Staley at Passion for Truth Ministries, searched Scriptures, and researched the first council of Nicea for our studies.  Whew....the learning never ends, does it?  YHWH's ways are not our own and we long to have our hearts looks like His and our Worship be acceptable to Him.

We greatly rejoice in all He's provided and done for us.  Our hearts are very full, the children are growing and a new chapter in our lives is being written.  We are deeply blessed and pray each of you are as well!