
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A new mailbox

It might seem silly to you, but where this Army wife receives her mail is a big deal. A nice mailbox to me has always meant: HOME!
I asked for a new mailbox for Christmas. While John wasn't able to quite find the right shade of red I'd wanted; he did find this burgandy beauty for me. Yesterday, in the gorgeous weather, he put it up! Thanks honey!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Coombs Leave Mark on the Hill!

Ok, ok, ok.....I think the Hill really left it's mark on us.
In our home we have some concerns regarding legislation currently pending on Capitol Hill. With our proximity to D.C. John thought it was time to go visit our Congresswoman from the 19th district of Illinois, Debbie Halvorsen, and respectfully present our opinions on Healthcare and Veteran's Affairs. Her staffers took about a half hour with us and we were able to snag this picture with Mrs. Halvorsen as she was running out the door to go vote and the return home to Illinois for an extended MLK Jr. weekend. She's an amazing lady and very, very gracious. I think Emily recognized that I was about ready to cry because during the picture she reached back and grabbed my hand in support. What an amazing honor to walk up to Capitol Hill and present your opinions and to be heard! God Bless America!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Psalm 120

At the ringing in of the New Year I posted some things that I was looking forward to in 2010. One of those things is the Psalms of the Ascent Bible Study called Stepping Up by Beth Moore. Well, we kicked off on Sunday evening and I am now on day 2 of homework. Oh wow is all I can say. Here is Psalm 120 and some of my personal thoughts based on Beth's questions follow.

In my distress I called to the LORD, and He answered me.
"LORD, deliver me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue."
What will He give you and what will He do to you, you deceitful tongue?
A warrior's sharp arrows, with burning charcoal!
What misery that I have stayed in Meshech, that I have lived among the tents of Kedar!
I have lived too long with those who hate peace.
I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war.

Gosh, don't we all feel just like that sometimes? We feel like aliens living in a foreign country with conflict and strife all around us. How on earth are we supposed to choose to take the high road in conflict situations when people who thrive on conflict are all around us?
If you're like me at all, you know that you've "...gotten in the mud with them." as Beth states. We've got to choose to get out of the mud with them! Take the high road and voice to the God who hears pain we've suffered on the low road.

It's so easy to loose our joy, our holy passion for Him when we are living in Meshch or the tents of kedar. (insert your own places of living right now...stressful parents, teenagers, co-workers, church workers, No. Va., family who just don't get you.)

This morning I took this Psalm, worked over it and then got on my face before the Lord to cry out all my conflict. When we get on our face, low to the ground before Him and cry out to Him; He hears us! Verse 1 says HE answered me! We are taking the highroad by getting low and humble before Him. I am certain that I will have answers to all the conflicts going on right now in my life as well as the certainty that through being His Servant and choosing to be humble. All situations will be brought around to His Glory Forevermore.

Step 1 on the 15 Psalms of the Ascent: Cry Out! then Bow Low!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year Kick Off with Great Friends!

As you have often heard me say if you read my blog: I have the best girlfriends in the world and they truly LIVE all over the world! New Years Day we were able to celebrate with 2 families we love before their very L.O.N.G. flights overseas. We had such a great day with yummy foods and great fellowship!! Here are a couple of pictures that we got snapped before bolting out the door to get Marci #1 out the door. For you Sonlight Moms these are: MarciinAlaska (now known as Not There Yet) and Marci Round the World. Marci in Alaska has the red hair, I'm in the middle and then Marci Round the World is on the left in the pictures. I also had to update the photo of Marci Round the World's kids and mine. We have some great pictures with them in some amazing places!!! Enjoy!