Our new Pastor at Crossway Fellowship, Pastor Jim, is taking the Sunday School Hour to walk the Adults through the book of Psalms. This week, for homework, we were asked to do some exegisis on the 2nd book of Acts. Ch 42-72 make up the 2nd book of Acts. Well, it's doubtful that I'll get to all 31 chapters this week, but I have gotten to Ch 50 today. I have been making notes and finding the Hebrew Poetry facinating to read. Repetition is how Hebrew poetry is written. This is very much unlike our rhyme and meter that makes poetry sing-song at times.
Anyway, back to Psalm 50. Verse 15 says.
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify me. One of the concerns I've had is how to Glorify God in the midst of our most challenging season to date. How can this Season of our life bring Glory to Him? How on *EARTH* is all of this going to work out for Your Glory Father has been a plea of mine.
Ps 50:15 says and *YOU* shall Glorify me. OOPS! I believe I need to be accountable here to so many who have prayed with and for us, held us while we've cried and reached out to us. Here's my list of how God has provided for us since June 28.
1. The Police Officer that came to the house was of strong faith in God.
2. All tricare bills except 2 have been paid.
3. John has only worked a 4 day and sometimes just a 3 day work week without prejudice from his superiors since 1 July
4. Prayer! At one time I knew of 65 people praying for us!
5. Women of Faith, Thanks Ft. Lee PWOC and Cheri for allowing that to happen for me. You'll never know what a blessing it was to my soul.
6. Court decisions have gone well for us
7. We have a wonderful counselor who Love the Lord working with our family.
I could go on and on about the numerous ways prayers have been answered. Circumstances that held me in fear for days were all turned to give God Glory for the Provision of our family. Only He could have done so many of the miracles we've needed on a daily basis.
Isaiah 42:3-4 says
"A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth. He will not fail nor be discouraged Till He has established justice in the earth and the coastlands shall wait for His law."God has allowed us to enter a place of great pain this year. But we are not broken. We are not broken and useless for Him unless
WE allow it to be so. We are submissive, to You and Your Will. Shape, Mold and Make us what You want our family to be. We give You Glory in advance for the blessings You bestow to us.
From a fresher perspective this afternoon.....
I love you Lord, my Strength.