
Thursday, March 28, 2013

But I bought the perfect planner!!!

Day Runners, Day Timers, All in One organizers, Palm Pilots, iCalendar, a printed grid for every day, beautiful colors on new calendars for home schooling mamas like me, and portfolio-professional cases for the working mom.

The ways of managing time are everywhere.  No matter what your fancy may be, you can find a calendar at just about any store you frequent.

They scream at us, don't they?  If we just used this system, filled out these boxes, our lives would be organized and we'd have what we all crave:  More time.

With a growing busy family, moving constantly I lived my life by calendars, day timers, clocks and curriculum check lists.  My personality is just fit for lists and measured goals that come with a well tackled day.

Yet, how many circumstances have cropped into our lives over the years that we couldn't manage by 'penciling it in' to a box or time slot.

Sickness, broken vehicles, heartbreaks, unexpected play dates and lunches with friends and even unexpected moves have all fit themselves into my well-penned days.  The times that the Lord has ordained for us, our family.

Even now, I'm using a Bible study system that is designed for completion with in just a few weeks.  But you know what? Because I'm not following the appointed schedule, I'm learning more.

The truth is for the thousands of dollars I've spent on managing time, the greatest benefit I've received from managing time is to not manage it.  I'm a head-strong gal, quite tenacious when I have a mind to it actually and I fought my own scheduling for years in my binders and calendars.  Then, I started using pencil.  Pencils ERASE!  Ha!  There you go!  I could still manage my time by erasing what I'd planned and add in what actually happened.

About a year ago, maybe more, I just gave my time, my calendars, my desires up the Lord.  I realize more and more as I get older that time is such a precious gift and the best way to honor Him with the time that's given us is to hand it back to Him to guide us in His perfect ways.

I was just reading in Isaiah Ch 1 this morning that the appointed times YHWH gave the Israelites became disgusting in His eyes because they used it for vain purposes, as a checklist to pseudo-obedience.  There are a great many things on my To Do list today.  The best way to keep my family moving forward is to give up my expectations for this day, this group of hours that are His gift to us is to hand it right back to Him.

So, in the early spring sun, I'll be taking a long walk, run.  Drinking in His provision of the earth coming out of winter's slumber.  Lots of hugs, tea and talks with my remaining-at-home sweet ones is certainly on the menu for today.  Our school year here needs winding up with integrity and that's on my To Do list today, but not at the expense of forsaking opportunities for fellowship and enjoyment in the Beauty of His creation around me.

Silence that screaming calendar and the buzzing clock today.  Give your time right back to Him and just see how He'd use it!

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