
Thursday, January 10, 2013

From Desperate to Peace

The sun is not yet awake.  Once again I pad downstairs, pup in tow.  Drawn to hot coffee and His beautiful, life giving Word.

I turn on soft piano hymns and open to my study.  This morning, with a lengthy to do list for the day, I must take time to center myself in Him and His desire for the day ahead if there's any success to be had.

Pup settles into his bed, puppy snores begin.  House is asleep and harmonic hymns fill my ears as my heart breathes and beats with each word read.

Edom rebells, as God wills I read.

Hymns sing  Let Thy Goodness, like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee.

This is my Father's world, He shines in all that's fair.

Edom rebels and keeps her idols and pride and God still called to repentance.  This world cries for us to remain as Edom.  Rebellious to God even to this day.

Yet I know my Redeemer Liveth and am Persuaded, that HE is able to keep that which  I've committed to Him.

Hands lift, soft hymns seem to resound in my soul as they play and I lift the rebellion of my plans for the day to the One who provides the very air I breathe and I am filled.

Now, not desperate, not weary at the taking the day and my life into my own hands, I can give thanks.

1.  Sleeping house

2.  Hot coffee

3.  Dishwashers that hum softly

4.  Girlfriends who call and text

5.  Puppy's snuggles and snores

6.  Breathing Out the Desperation of a long to do list and Breathing In the Joy of the Savior, for this is life.

Have a beautiful day, committed to the Savior who gently woos us to Him.

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