
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fall Update

It's been such a long time since my last update.  The video was fun to make earlier this morning and I do hope you enjoy the pictures of our fall events.  There are pictures from John's birthday, dancing at the balloon festival, softball, art class, Classical conversations, Big Apple Circus, Ticonderoga pumpkin patch and on and on! 
Currently, my boys are working on a lawn mower motor downstairs in hopes of reparing the one we have for Emily to take over all the mowing in the Spring.  She's looking forward to the pay we'll give her for it.  Teenagers love money!  (can't believe she'll be 13 in February)
I have completed most of the 2011 scrapbook and am working some end of year winter cards to send out to friends and family.  We just had our first family pictures taken this Thanksgiving weekend sans Adam.  Talk about tough.  Yet, there was a tremendous blessing that occured.  Our photographer, a fellow CC mom, said to us "I thought you had 4?" 
We answered we do, he doesn't live at home.
Later in the shoot I found out that this precious mom totally 'gets' our life.  Without going into too much detail I can tell you that our photographer friend is named for the wife of the daily manager at Youth for Tomorrow where Adam is living.  Who'd have thunk it?  This sweet  young family of 5 has intimate knowledge of the people and place our Prodigal resides.
It blew me away and it's got me thinking.
Out of respect for my eldest away at college and needing a nurturing Mom and Dad at home, I haven't blogged about our experiences and God's provision and Satan's attempts at destruction.  She's not needed the stress as nursing school is tough enough.  However, with one Semester to go and then graduation, it's time for me to start writing about our experiences and the impact it's had. 
I have no idea where to start in blogging about sexual abuse, attempted rape.  Talk about heavy topics.  But I can tell you this before I start pouring my heart out in earnest soon;  Our family is not alone.  I've talked to too many people over the last 3 months who are deeply hurting about the injury caused by children's choices in their homes.  Satan is on the prowl and stronger than ever I feel.  So, from the mom who didn't think a year ago that family memories would ever be happy again, listen to the music on my blog while you watch my children enjoy life and know that God is a God who provides.
Until next time, Shalom!

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