
Monday, September 27, 2010

Celebrating Life!

A time to celebrate what we've been doing in life inspite of the obstacles around us.

Below are some pictures of:
First Day of School in jammies with math blocks

First Day of Classical Conversations and giving our family presentation

Recess with new classmates at CC!

Cub Scout Trip to Fort Mc Henry in Baltimore to raise the Flag over the fort. Grandpa Coombs and Cousin David, too!

First BB gun shooting in the back yard with a lesson from Grandpa

First time practicing and playing catcher for this years Kid Pitch team!

Long 4 mile hike on the Maryland side of Great Falls National Park. (Next on the to-do list: Harper's Ferry....this coming Sunday I think....)

So much to celebrate!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Learning Perspective in the Pit

But to deviate from the truth for sake of some prospect of hope of our own could never be wise, however slight that deviation may be. It is not our judgement of the situation which can show us what is wise, but only the truth of the Word of God. Here alone lies the promise of God's faithfulness and help. It will always be true that the wisest course for the disciple is always to abide solely by the Word of God in all it's simplicity- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I found the above quote this week in my reading and was surprised to find that it so aptly described our 9 months working with our son's first treatment placement.

Week after week, Friday after Friday John and I would have strategy sessions on the phone or over coffee in the early mornings on how we were going to defend our family's Christian faith, values and the things that make us the Coombs'. There were many times we'd sit in therapy sessions, treatment meetings with probation officers, social workers and listen to the psychologist spew their venom at us.

"Your son is just the scapegoat for all that's going wrong in your family. Come into the 21st Century, live like the rest of us. Try this new way of meditation and mode deactivation. It's better for you. Your father has too much control over your home. It's your parent's fault. Your service in caring for your children is as if you worship them."

Wow the world is a dark, broken place. From the safety of the pit, standing on the Root of Israel for support (Romans 11), we held our ground. It exhausted us week after week, but we held on to the simplicity of Scripture as Bonehoeffer writes. We had 3 healthy children that were healing at home, they were all safe, growing, learning and we held onto eachother as a family should with times so tough. We studied and discussed God's word in our tough times. John's mantra was the verse from Job that says "Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him." Finally, we received a victory! After one particularly grueling session with "Adam's new Mom" as we called his therapist, John and I clasped hands and walked right to the administration building. I can't for the life of me remember what was said to the CEO during that impromptu meeting, but the next week we heard. "Well, I just don't get it, but you guys are a WW II era family living in the 21st century. Your values are Duty, God, Country, Service. You've not changed one bit in the last 7 months and clearly these are your family's values."

Can you shout AMEN?! I looked at the man and replied, "Thankyou, that's the nicest compliment we've ever received." It was then that the treatment facility wanted to discharge our boy, asap. Within 2 months of that meeting, Adam moved to his current location where finally, truth is being revealed into who and what Adam is dealing with inside.

Next Monday, our precious first born son, is moving to a locked down adolescent psychiatric facility rather far away from our home. He's out of touch with reality, lives in a fantasy world where anger controls and drives him. He's very unsafe. It would be so easy for me in my heart of hearts as his mother to grieve in despair at the injustice of it all. But that's not the perspective the last 16 months has given us. God has shown Himself faithful to us. We are all growing and recovering, our boy is getting help, Christ is our Glorious Advocate! The Holy Spirit continues to move us to make phone calls at just the right time for all the red tape to be cut through. We are clinging to the simplicity of His beautiful Word. It brings life to the disciple.

The more I walk this road of mental illness, the more committed I/we become to eachother and the bond that we have as family. The longer the road becomes, the more I/we need Him to hold our hands, carry us through the crags and set us on more even ground. Perspective shows me that the simplicity of Scripture has done just that.

And though this world with devils filled
Should threaten to undo us
We will not fear for Thou has willed
His truth to triumph through us.
The prince of darkness grim,
we tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure,
for lo his doom is sure.
One little word can fell him.

We love you, Jehovah our Provider and Advocate.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Living by Faith

Everyone needs compassion, a love that's never failing, let Mercy fall on me. Everyone needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Savior, the Hope of nations. Savior, He can move the mountains, my God is Mighty to Save!

This song has become my theme for the time in the terrible pit. After the initial few weeks were over, we settled into a routine we would keep up for several months. John was home every Friday to manage lawyers, therapy appointments, insurance issues, and social workers.

When the rubble had settled the decision was made by the Commonwealth of Va that I, as the Mom, was to blame for the destruction that occurred in our home. We were left without recourse against the boy and family who'd played truth or dare and assalted our precious boy to begin with.

As my husband and I prayed and prayed over our family and begged Christ to be our advocate in a juvenille system we didn't understand, God was at work and using other people to meet immediate needs. He was clearly being our Advocate! Yet at the time I just couldn't see it through the pain.

A precious family that I met in our local crafting circle was all to familiar with what we were going through. They have been there for us through everything, counseled, prayed, crafted with me through tears, held my hand, signed me up for Bible Studies, explained the new-to-us sex offender lingo and on and on. They have become some of our sweetest friends over the course of the last 15 months.

Another angel God used was actually a group of women from Ft. Lee, Va PWOC. Cheri called and said "Wanna go to Women of Faith? I've got a spot for you and it's on me/PWOC." Best decision I ever made: I WENT! What a breath of fresh air to my heavy laden spirit and body. A girlfriend I could talk to about old times in Italy, new directions for Sr. leaders in the Army we both knew as well as our own children and circumstances. The talks and music were God inspired and I came away from that weekend with my first bit of strength in many, many weeks. Before leaving the conference, I purchased several CDs of inspirational music for my car. I would listen to them each time I drove to and from seeing our son. I'd cry, pray and praise and remember God's promises to His people on each trip.

It was about this time that God began to give me a real heart for hurting Moms and the burdens we each share. Coming out of jails, treatment facilities, courtrooms I'd continually see tears, Bibles, and clasped hands in prayer. I hugged them. We'd chat a bit in our tears and hold eachother up as best as we could. Some moms I only saw once or twice before their child was transfered, some I got to know a bit better.

Christ was and continues to be our Advocate. He continued to block the flaming darts of the Enemy while we were searching for the way out of the pit. Charges against me were dismissed as quickly as they were brought up. I remember coming home and crawling into bed after being in Court that day. It was all I could do. I laid there thinking how many other Mothers are out there hurt like this? How can I reach them, Lord? What would you have me to do if I could?

That's when it was time to go back to Hebrews and read about the heros of the Faith. It was time to fall flat on my face before the Lord and pray for directions, restoration and healing. Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

By faith we are believing and walking the above verse from Hebrews. We cannot see it at this time, but I no longer doubt (and I did in the beginning!!!) that God will receive Glory for the things we are experiencing right now. By faith I believe in the restoration of Job and his wife and family. By faith I believe; My God is Mighty to Save.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Light in the Darkness

I know, the title is so cliche; isn't it? But now looking back over the last 15 months of our lives I can see that there was Light in the deep pit of our darkness.

Our darkness is named Sexual Abuse. It's filthy and disgusting and brings me to tears just to type it. All of us have been affected by it. At the end of the long fall into the darkness we had one child in juvenille detention and all of us in desperate need of help.

I've often identified with the prophet Elijah in my Walk with the Lord.

1 Kings 17:3-5 Get away from here and trun eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there. So he went and did according to the word of the LORD.

After our horrifying day and night with the local authorities I found myself sitting in my chair, numb and pondering the ravens our family needed. After all, the darkness was deep, dank and the path out that we could barely see at the time was narrow. We needed comfort, compassion, food and water. Yet, at the time, we had no home church and no real support around us.

Even given all of those circumstances, God's ravens (I now call them our angels) were coming. They were our Light in the Darkness.

The first Raven: Friends from Europe who live not far away from us now answered the phone, left church services, jumped in the car and got here to take our sweet little guy home with them for his protection. This family chatted, texted and prayed for us every day those first few horrible days when pain was so fresh.

The next Raven: homeschooling, email friends from many years ago brought us food. A huge pot of chicken soup with little oyster crackers and a salad was food for us when we could barely hold anything down. I remember Heidi coming to the house that day, looking and me, hearing our story and crying with me. What a testimony of the Savior. What tenderness she gave us. Heidi was also a provider of HELP that we needed. A good Christian Counselor and phone number to call for help.

The final Raven that was needed to prepare us for the journey ahead was my parents. It took 48 hrs for them to walk through my front door from Florida. That's when I fell on the floor, literally. There's something about a girl's Dad that just allows her to go to pieces. Grandma Pam cooked, baked, dried my tears, made coffee, cleaned up messes and ironed my son's shirt for Court. They watched the kids while we had appointments with lawyers, doctors, insurance companies, CPS social workers and police officers.

The inital few weeks passed and although very unstable on our feeble legs, we were being nourished and prepared for the long road ahead of us. I am so grateful to those that were our Light in the Darkness. Thankyou for responding to the Lord's call to provide and care for us.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

In My Home Recently

I can't believe so much time has gone by since I've updated my blog. There's been a ton happening and I've highlighted a few things in the pictures below.

Here are a few things that have been happening in our home.

1. John took the girls on a date to D.C. to walk the Mall and see all the monuments. Lyndsay hadn't had a chance to see them all yet. They had a great day and finished up with pizza at our family's recently discovered place near John's office. We all love the Italian Style Brick Oven pizzas. I hear they enjoyed themselves!!

2. I found a butterfly chair perfect for Emily's room at a Consignment sale. Emily wanted a little table for it to hold a drink and popcorn while she watches movies in her room at night. John obliged and they both spent a Saturday making a cute little table for her. Emily did some sawing, nailing, painting and even added the butterfly decals. Great job, Emily!

3. Jesse is always around the BBQ grill with John and has learned to take whatever we have going off the grill. Yes, my heart beats several extra times as this is occuring, but he's growing up. The picture below is of Jman pulling off chicken wings. Yummy!!

4. Lyndsay has left for college and I nearly sobbed buckets. The house is so lonely without her. We are having a hard time adjusting around here to the new level of quiet after having our Sister for 4 months. She's doing great as a Jr. at Olivet and is very excited about FINALLY hitting the nursing books.

5. I've been working out like a mad woman around here. I'm in a 10,000 step a day challenge with a few other gals on line. I've started taking early morning walks and am doing great. I've hit my weight milestone this week! I celebrated with a Mocha Frappuccino Light from Starbucks today.

6. Our school year is off to a great start. The kids are doing well at home and happy with their new materials. Classical Conversations is going very well. My Co-op kids are great. I'm so glad I signed up to Tutor. I don't think I could handle just sitting in the room as a parent the whole time. We are learning all of our Basic Grammar in History, Science, English Grammar, Math Skip Counting, Latin Conjugations and on and on.

7. I've discovered a new company for Stamp and Scrapbooking supplies: Paper Trey Ink. Go check them out. I'm enjoying their forums, gallery and products tremendously. I'm currently working on a stamp project to give John on his upcoming birthday using Paper Trey Stamps.

8. I've found a Torah Observant Ministry I really, really like. Jim Stanley at Passion for Truth Ministries. I'm listening to his series on the Commandments right now. It's an 8 part series that can be found on his website.

I have a new essay I'm brain storming as well as a talk I'm preparing to give. Please keep our family in your prayers as we seek to serve Him and learn more about Hebraic Roots. The Fall Feasts are coming up! Please check out my girlfriend Stephanie's blog on the right. She's just written a beautiful essay on her family and their Torah Observant life.

Enjoy the pictures.