
Monday, April 27, 2015

Be Family

I love my church.  No, really, I love my church.  My own piece of country living heaven.  Far from outside the life that is living in metro DC.  We prayed for such a long time for a true, real, certainly not perfect, but Christ Centered, loving, Bible believing church.

We desperately needed family.  I mean, the bottom of the pit, we-are-worn-to-a-frazzle-please-love-us-church-family.  See, the hard had arrived.  The deep hard.  The kind where you are worn thin by the very people that are now apart of an awful new normal that is sorrow.  In the Lord's perfect timing and love He allowed us to walk for a bit on our own with prayer from precious friends. (You know who you are!  We love you!)

With no close relatives living near by, we were worn right through like an ancient moth-eaten quilt.  We needed family.

Sitting on the front porch 3 years ago on a warm Saturday evening the question was asked, "Where are we going to church tomorrow?"  Gentle conversation ensued and decision made.  The following morning we drove out to the country and fell into the arms of Love.  Family.  Because we are His, He loves us, Life is Hard and God alone Good.

These last three seasons at our church, we have had themes to consider each year.  The first year was the year of men.  Embracing the men, encouraging the men, strengthening relationships and accountability and leadership in the home.

2 years ago was the year of the women.  Caring for and nurturing women for our high calling as wives, mothers and tender leaders in the home and for some, at work.  It was wonderful.

Last year was the year of the Word.  Reading plans were devised for all ages in our congregation.  The Youth were in charge of checking in on just how we were all doing diving in to the Word in 2014.  It was a fantastic year!

2015 will be the year of family.  Our motto was released yesterday:  We are His!  We are family!  We are Dayspring!

There was a fantastic kick off of music and introductions to various ministries we have going on in our church, because we are family.  United in Word, Deed, and Service to the Kingdom.  Our pastor lead us in Communion and Foot Washing as a family during the Sermon time.  Encouraging us all along the way that we are a Body, united, as a Family of Believers where God has NO grandchildren. Brothers and Sisters.  Family.  We show up and serve together.  We feed and care for one another.  Whatever it take, if we can manage it, we do it.  One for another.

And that is why I love Kara so much.  I'll meet her soon.  In heaven.  Oh, no, my health is fine.  But I find the words Kara used with sweet Ann Voscamp to be appropriate.  See you soon.  Check out Kara's blog at this link.
Her family:  New church family said:  I've got 6:30!  I've got 10PM.  Done deal, girl.  Cuz see, we're family.

We are His
We are Family
We are Dayspring!