
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In My Home Recently

I can't believe it's been so long in between posts from me.  To say we've been busy is an understatment.  God is moving in our lives so let me get right to it.

1.  We won't be moving to Kuwait in the summer.  After lots of prayer by ourselves and so many others seeking the LORD on our behalf; John approached a respected General Officer and asked for a year deferment.  It was granted nearly on the spot.  We've been humbled at the support we've had up the chain of command at the Pentagon as well as at Assignments Branch.  Now that all the paperwork is in and signed appropriately, we are waiting for some direction from the Army.  This change in plans allows us to continue to work with Adam and with YHWH's help, launch him into adulthood. 

2.  Of course all along the way in our current struggles, we've told Adam that his actions dictate our actions.  He's continuing to show signs of healing and getting better.  We are so grateful for this and would ask you to continue to pray that only the Holy Spirit (Ruach) would have His perfect way in Adam's life!  We look forward to the day when we can begin to work on the interpersonal issues in our family that need healing as well. 

3.  Along the lines of family healing, John and I have been reading a great book on forgiveness entitled Unpacking Forgiveness: Biblical answers for complex questions and deep wounds.  The author is Chris Brauns.  I can't recommend this book enough.  Pastor Brauns takes you methodically through the steps of forgiveness starting with why it's important for the offended person to forgive and who should receive forgiveness in your life.  Forgiveness isn't about 'just getting over it'.  If you've ever needed to understand forgiveness and how to display it in your life, this is the book for you!

4.  I've been running.  Yes, running.  I'm in love with my new treadmill and we have consistent dates in the week for 4-6 miles at a time.  I'm thinking I'd like to train for a half marathon.  Running has taken up a great deal of time that I'd been spending on the computer, or even reading.  Hence, with the emphasis on fitness, I've not been around much in cyber land.  Boy, do my legs look great again. 

5.  Classical Conversations continues to be a wonderful way for the children to learn and create community for us in the Body of Christ.  I look forward to my Wednesdays with my CC Campus each week.  I feel as if I'm the one who's truly benefited from tutoring this year as well.  I'm in love with the students in my class and their mother's are some of the sweetest friends I could ever have.  Next year, I believe the children will continue with Foundations and move onto the Essentials program as well. 

6.  Scrapbooking:  My creative outlet.  I finished our 2009 album a few weeks ago and have started thinking about designing our 2010 album.   I also want to tackle a baby album for Emily this upcoming year.  Creative Memories just makes this so easy to do.  I've completed 6 or 7 albums this year!  Whew!

That about wraps up the news from here.  I'll post some Thanksgiving pictures after we get back from a great day with friends in Pa. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

MomHeart Intensive Training 2010

This is a video from the training weekend I attended back in August.  On my side bar on the right, I've place a button for the Mom Heart Conferences that will be held around the country this Spring!  Come join me in Raleigh, NC in March and discover why YOUR MOM HEART MATTERS!  Can't wait to see you there with me. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Finding Quiet Time

In my Mom Heart Bible Study this week, we discussed the need to come beside quiet waters and refill our souls.  I've been pondering over the years of seeking time with Him and His Word since the Moms left Tuesday evening.

When my 4 children were all very little, Bible time at our house was part of our school day and due to my need of sleep, Bible time with them was also my own Bible time.  Awana Verses were memorized, Hero Tales were read about great missionaries of the past and we read biographies of some of them from the Trailblazer series.  Slowly we learned together about the nature and character of God through the diligence of daily attention to His Word.
Then, during a more peaceful moment of the day doing dishes or folding laundry, my mind and heart could wander in personal meditation and prayer over what we'd learned or memorized that day.

Later, as the children grew, I was able to get out for a daily walk.  Wow!  Did that do wonders for my devotional time.  Out in nature, viewing His creation, I felt surrounded by Him.  I listened to sermons or hymns and walked mile upon mile lifting up prayer requests.  I also had time to internalize sermons of the previous week.  I often found myself finishing Sunday's sermon for myself.  Finding a parallel to my own life, I could take the nugget from my Pastor and apply it to my life.  All to soon, my walk would be over and I'd find myself at my door step.  I enjoyed the time alone with the Lord so much I constantly fought the urge to just keep walking, praying, meditating.  However, my children would need me to help guide them through the rest of their day and inside I'd go. 

Those earlier years of obedience to seeking time with Him have been the foundation on which I've stood during our current times of hardship and suffering.  If I'd not had the habit of seeking Him daily and not just at church on Sunday mornings, I can't envision where we'd be right now as a family.  I'm reminded of the verse that says the wise man built his house upon the Rock.  The storms came and the waves blew in, but the house on the Rock stood firm.  Those bedrock building years with young children have catapulted me to going deeper with my Savior.  With just 2 remaining children at home who are 11 and 8, I have time to get up in the early mornings with coffee and a devotional book and my Bible.  I look forward to this time every morning as it's setting the tone for my day.  But it's taken years of diligence to get here.  The Christian life is not a sprint, it's a marathon.  Endurance is needed.  Be encouraged today to get alone with Him.  Take your wee children into your lap and share a Truth with them about the Savior.  Encourage your middle schooler with how you see God working in their life.  Spend a few quiet minutes with Him this morning and allow him to nuture your soul.

Please, leave a comment and tell me how Quiet Times have affected your Walk!  I'd love to hear from you.