
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Poignant: Deeply Affecting

"Jean! Why didn't you take the candle sticks as I told you?" the aging Cardinal replied to the bound-in-chains convict.

I sat in a room-full of beautiful women and experienced a poignant talk on Servant leadership given by Paul Stanley. Mr. Stanley, former leader of the Navigators, used the famous scene from Les Miserables to bring home a powerful concept: Our things aren't really ours.

I'd had the pleasure of taking in "Les Mis" on the West End theatre disctrict in London 5 years ago. The setting is France just prior to the Revolution. The French seek liberation from a cruel, unfeeling King. I witnessed the above exchange from my high balcony seat and was stunned at the generosity of the cardinal and thought no more of it until 2 weeks ago sitting in Mr. Stanley's talk.

Suddenly, in a room full of servant-leader-seeking moms the impact of the Cardinal's actions toward Jean Valjean, a common thief, struck a chord in my heart.

Jean stole from the Cardinal the night before after seeking refuge and having it given to him. A full belly, a warm bed graciously given by the Cardinal was returned with Jean waking in the night and stealing the silver. Jean, found later the next morning, is returned to the Cardinal by the Police, who seek to press charges. The Cardinal quickly replies that Jean forgot the rest of the silver set, gets it for him and sends him on his way with genuine relief, not regret.

The Cardinal clearly understands that the 'things' he may own aren't really his. They belong to the Lord, to be used as He sees fit and to further His Kingdom.

What a precious, poignant picture of Christ's love.

I've been turning the idea of such servant leadership over and over in my mind. Can I currently say, at this moment, that everything we have in our home belongs to the Lord? Am I, are WE, willing and even DESIROUS to part with our talents, gifts, prayers, sleep, or in my case my beloved pottery and china collection?

I continue to seek the Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal anything in my/our life that need to be given over to Him completely, for His use. I'm certain there's more to be written on this in the days to come....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lyndsay's Famous Peppermint (Candy Cane) Biscotti

3 and 1/2 Cups of All Purpose Flour
1 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1 Cup sugar (splenda works, too!)
1 stick softened butter (1/2 C)
2 T water
1 t peppermint extract
2 large eggs
1 C finely crushed peppermint candy divided
1/2 C slivered almonds-toasted (Lyn never toasts them)
4 squares of white chocolate or white chocolate morsels melted over double boiler

1. Pre heat oven to 350 degrees and line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. Toast Almonds if desired. Combine all dry ingredients.
2. Beat sugar, butter, water, peppermint extract and eggs in a large bowl with electric mixer until well blended. All flour mixture and 1/2 C crushed candies and almonds. Beat until blended.
3. Divide dough in 1/2. Shape each half into a 10" by 3" log. Place each on a perpared cookie sheet. Bake 30 minutes or until center is firm to the touch. Let cool 15 to 20 minutes.
4. Using a serrated knife, cut logs diagnolly into half inch slices. Bake 7 minutes on each side for softer biscotti or up to 12 minutes per side for harder biscotti. Edges will be browned all around.
5. Dip each cookie halfway into melted white chocolate then dip in remaining candies to coat the chocolated end. Allow to dry. Store in a tightly covered container.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Last week found me on the ball fields with my children. Emily and Jman had games at the same time on neighboring fields that required Lyndsay and I to divide the Coombs' cheer squad. Technology is wonderful during these times as we frantically text back and forth the plays on the field and how our Clan is fairing. One text I received from Lyndsay stated, "She's pitching!" I couldn't believe it. My amazing Emily was up on the mound, showing great courage and pitching her first softball game. I immediately jumped up and looked over at the field, one eye on Jesse and the other scanning for Emily. There she was! Fearless and pitching her heart out! I felt our family's life verse come to my mind "Be Strong and Courageous do not be terrified do not be discouraged for the Lord, your God is with you where ever you go." Joshua 1:9

As I sat back down; that verse stayed in my soul for a few minutes. I missed a few plays on both fields while chewing on the idea of courage. How many times do we need to summon every ounce of courage that we can muster to move forward in our Walk with the Lord? My kids and I have tagged along this nutty, busy, thrilling and at times, sorrowful, military career of John's. It has required great amounts of courage on our part to pack up and move 12 times in 20 years including 3 international moves. Courage was needed to meet new friends, find new churches to attend, new homeschool groups to join, doctors to see, cars to repair and finances to reshuffle with ever changing cost of living rates.

How many times I've simply wanted to stay in bed and not face the demands of the day! Yet, as mothers of children to train, we can't allow ourselves to be held hostage by the 'what ifs' each day could hold. We may not feel like pitching that day or being part of a team during trying circumstances of life. However, we must grab hold of our Bibles and take a few minutes to draw our broods in close for some courage summoning time.

My current Bible Study is leading me through the Patriarchs. I've been struck by Sarai, Abram's wife. Abram was called to leave Ur and go…”to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) Sarai, in obedience to her husband, left her home in Ur, taking her aging father in law, nephew and household along. Can you imagine the courage it took to stay in the seat of that camel with the skyline of your home fading with every step? She didn't know for sure where she was going. There was no way for her to know just how long this was going to go on or where her new home would be! Would she know the language when she got there? Think about it. Let's not spiritualize our ancestors too much. Consider, they were just people, called by God. Sarai's great courage to follow her husband, to eventually become the Matriarch of Nations again etched Josh 1:9 on my soul.

The rest of the ball game I don't remember except my beautiful girl had a great time and played well. What a thrill it is to watch her grow and try new things. I believe it's time to show her a few verses in Genesis about a woman who was also called up to play an important role involving courage, Sarai.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In My Home Recently

It's busy times in our household right now. School, ministry, Cub Scouts, Classical Conversations as well as our move next year are the topics of our discussions. I'm leaving for a weekend intensive of ministry planning on Thursday. Please be praying for me as I go and my family back here holding down the fort. Here's what's been happening in my home recently.

1. I've started reading More Love to Thee, The Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss. I've barely scratched the surface on all the Biblical nuggets contained in this book. I found a wonderful quote in the Preface that spoke to my heart. "Much of my experience of life has cost me a great price and I wish to use it for strengthening and comforting other souls."
Oh, that my hands, words, and actions would comfort others for Him. That's my hearts cry for this coming school year.

2. We are continuing our studies in the Old Testament and moving from a Greek mindset to a Hebraic mindset. John is reading through Our Father Abraham and we are discussing it. Most Sabbath mornings we are listening to an exegisis on the book of Galations that can be found at Ariel's teaching is wonderful. I feel just like I'm in a Sunday School class. Even if you don't agree with the perspective, the maturing Believer will learn from this straight forward teaching.

3. So much to read, so little time!! I've also started reading The Core by Leigh Bortins. This year we're starting with Classical Conversations as the spine for our home studies. Visit www.classicalconversations. com for more information on this wonderful program. I believe the auditory learning with hands on activities and the challenge of the children's peers will grow them in memorization of basic facts. I'm feeling a deep pull to ground the children in Truth before we move to the Middle East. A classical education is a great way to instill those Core values.

4. The children are reading for an hour each day while I exercise. They had been balking about it. "AN HOUR! Come on, MOM!" Little do they know how their reading is improving this summer. They are doing a great job.

5. Jman bought a set of walkie talkies that we are using to communicate with as he travels about the neighborhood from friend to friend. Yes, it's a bit nerve racking with all the 'checking in' he does. But hey, he's 8! All to soon he will be 9. I loving every minute of our radio communications.

6. Meal preparation is on my list of things that need more of my attention. I took a fist-full of coupons and menus and headed to the Commissary on Saturday. We have 4 meals of Beef Stroganoff made and seasoned chili starters in the freezer. Today I'll whip up 2 meatloaves for the freezer and we'll continue to enjoy last night's large batch of chili with a salad and fresh fruit.

7. We are out of fresh bread and I'll need to get some wheat ground today and my handy bread maker going!

8. While on post on Saturday someone noticed that my safety sticker expired and left me a note on my windshield! I didn't know I had a safety sticker. I'll need to try and squeeze a trip into the shop.

9. Have you discovered Kohls yet? It's a new find for me. Nearly 4 years back in the USA and I feel that I'm just settling into the ways of living in America again. (Still don't like the food here, tho!) Well, I decided to spend this month's clothing allowance on ME! I had a blast at Kohls yesterday! I picked up 6 new tops and 2 pairs of capri pants and saved 55% off the sticker price or better! I'll feel pretty on my trip this week in some new clothes. (And in a new size to boot!)

I guess that about wraps things up for now. I'll be back next week with my head swimming with ideas for ministry to Moms! Have a great week. Leave a comment! Let me know how things are going with your Walk and how I can be praying for each of you!

" Fortunately for us, our faith does not entitle us to heaven anymore than our stupidity shuts us out of it; when we get there it will be through Him who loved us." Elizabeth Prentiss.
Keep Growing in Him girls! Learn His ways! Keep His commandments.

Love and Shalom,